
Viewing this website does not form a clinician/client relationship between you and the staff of RM Studio. No clinician/client relationship is formed unless and until you sign an agreement confirming the nature and scope of representation.

The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing medical advice. Use of this website or any other materials provided by RM Studio does not create a client/clinician relationship. A Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) cannot diagnose or treat without an evaluation or working with the individual person. RM Studio is only licensed in the state of California at this time. I cannot give medical advice in states or countries where I am not licensed. If you would like to discuss a diagnosis or treatment recommendation for your situation, please contact me for a free phone consultation. If you are in a location other than California please discuss your needs with your primary physician or an SLP in your area.

No website is entirely secure, so please be cautious in the information you provide through the contact form or email. Do not assume confidentiality exists in anything you send through this website or email, until an attorney/client relationship is formed through completion of a fee agreement.

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